Knowledge Makes Change As a member of the Best Start Partnership, the Jersey Child Care Trust compiles and distributes news, information and research (local and international) to all those in Jersey who want to make a difference for children. |
We would like to give you the opportunity to attend our upcoming conference on Person Centred Leadership We have an exciting line up of speakers, including Nigel Risner, who is one of today’s leading performance enhancing, motivational and communication speakers. He is the only speaker in Europe to have been awarded Speaker of the Year by all major CEO groups including Vistage Academy for Chief Executives and YPO. Nigel Risner Official Website – Professional Speaker This exciting event is being held at the Pomme d’Or Hotel on20th June 2024 for anyone interested in all things leadership and the wellbeingof their staff not just those working in a health related field., see attachedposter for details. Tickets on £75 including lunch available from Eventbrite book here |
SAVE THE DATE… Thursday 17th October Knowledge Makes Change Seminars are back! We are excited to announce that we are planning a learning opportunity for everyone in the early years workforce, with a focus on 0-3’s. We can’t say too much at the moment as we are still planning, but watch this space for future announcements. |
Do you go to the playground at Millennium Town Park? The Department for Infrastructure and Environment is asking everyone that uses the playground in Millennium Town Park for their ideas before they replace the play equipment. There are several ways to get involved: – Complete the short online survey – Email a written response to (please include the title ‘MTP Playground Consultation’) – Invite children to draw or write their ideas on the Ideas Sheet available online – Meet with the Project Team in the playground on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st June from 3pm onwards. More information is available at consultation closes on 23rd June 2024. |
Collective Change: Learning from A Better Start |
‘Collective Change: Learning from A Better Start‘ Doing things differently, together for babies, children and families This free online conference will be delivered through a mix of presentations, led by A Better Start (ABS) staff, parents and practitioners, and a discussion with the ABS Directors facilitated by Elliot Rae who will bring his own unique perspective on ABS work and the broader theme of collective change. |
Book your space here |
Birth to Three: Meeting Children’s Unique Needs, takes place on Tuesday 9th July at The Cavendish Conference Centre in central London, and is aimed at all nursery practitioners and managers.Education practice for children under three needs to be specialised and different to provision for older nursery-age children. While much is known about the kinds of environments in which babies and toddlers thrive, there is still a lot to learn when it comes to creating these environments and delivering best practice.Nursery World has assembled a stellar line-up of expert speakers for a full day of presentations, workshops and case studies of good practice. With increasing numbers of under-threes set to access early years education and care, this vital, timely event will equip you with advice and insights on developing provision to meet the particular needs of your younger children. Who should attend?• Nursery managers and owners • Nursery practitioners • EYFS co-ordinators • EYFS leads • Local authority early years managers • Early years SENDCos • Early years advisers • Anyone with an interest in early childhood development Why attend? • Gain expert insights and practical ideas on shaping provision for under-threes that you can implement straight away • Meet and network with nursery professionals facing similar challenges to you from across the country • Get access to presentations, speaker handouts and a CPD certificate validating your attendance and participation • View our exhibition of relevant products and resources to support your provision during the refreshment breaks and buffet lunch |
Copyright (C) 2024 Jersey Child Care Trust. All rights reserved. |