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Early Years Inclusion Team: Home Support

Home based support for you and your child
Using the principles of Portage, Our Early Years Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) support officers (EYSO) can support your child’s development and you in working with your child through home learning sessions and stay and play groups.
Portage home support is specifically for children who have a delay and need support in at least two developmental areas:

 Communication and Interaction
 Cognition and Learning
 Social, emotional and wellbeing
Delays in some of these areas may impact on a child’s behaviour within the home, which can also be supported.

Portage home support is mostly appropriate to children above 1.5/2 years old, however is considered on an individual basis. Portage home sessions are structured and involve use of different strategies and
resources to engage your child and help your child develop through play activities.

Home sessions are agreed in advance and may be on a weekly or two-weekly basis. An initial visit will take place to understand your child’s needs and complete an early assessment in order to plan together what your child may need based on interests, skills and what is important to you as a family.
Each session will be planned around these aims and activities will be left for you to practice with your child before the next session. These are play based and fun and will be modelled to you so you feel confident in practicing them.

Reviewing and moving on from the service Childcare and Early Years Service
Every four months your Early Years Support Officer will review involvement and consider next steps.
Possible outcomes of the review process:
1. Sessions continue for another four months
2. Sessions may discontinue for the following reasons:

  • Regular visits cannot be established
  • You request support to finish
  • Your child is now reaching key developmental milestones
  • Your child is attending nursery for more than 15 hours a week (this is considered on an individual basis)

Visit for more information or contact:
Childcare and Early Years Service | Early Years Inclusion Team
Highlands Campus | PO Box 142 | St Saviour | Jersey | JE4 8QJ
T +44 1534 445504

Related Resources

Quality Development and Moderation
A Day in the Life…of a Senior Support Worker with the Jersey Child Care Trust