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Knowledge Makes Change Newsletter – February 2024

Knowledge Makes Change As a member of the Best Start Partnership, the Jersey Child Care Trust compiles and distributes news, information and research (local and international) to all those in Jersey who want to make a difference for children.

Best Start Partnership Update
A successful partnership event (Jersey Futures: Planning in Partnership) at St Paul’s Centre has enabled us to hear voices from across the early years sector which we will now feed into our next Best Start Partnership ‘plan’. Stakeholders shared their successes, as well as some of the challenges facing the sector, families, and children and discussed what they felt our priorities should be, linked to five big picture outcomes.
During the event we shared our refreshed and relaunched Best Start website, and our Early Childhood Participation Toolkit (with our Best Start Listening Bears who proved very popular on the day). The toolkit, which is designed to support anyone working with 0-5s in listening to and hearing what babies and young children have to say, is available to download on our website. Watch this space for more information on this.
In the meantime, please do visit the brand-new website and let us know using the ‘contact us’ button if there is anything that you or the families you work with would like to see added.

CEYS Quality Development – Early Years Cluster Meetings and Network Briefing
We had great attendance last month at the cluster meetings for quality development and moderation in the Early Years Foundation Stage. Thank you to both Janvrin and St Mary’s school for hosting these events. This year our focus for Quality Development visits to Nursery settings, and Moderation visits to Reception classes is Communication and Language, and Literacy.
On this occasion we looked closely at children’s mark making and early writing, it is always a privilege to see the beginnings of this incredible skill and to discuss the journey for children in becoming confident writers. We never cease to be amazed and delighted by what children can achieve at such a young age.
More recently we heard from Eowyn Crisfield at our EYFS network briefing on ‘Understanding bilingualism in development in the Early Years’. Eowyn shared her words of wisdom and expertise on the importance of the home language and the role this plays in cognitive development.
Our commitment to prioritising communication and language, and literacy continues, and we look forward to more planned opportunities to share wise and promising practice together.
The Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 2022 – training reminder
The Children and Young People(Jersey) Law 2022 will come into effect by the end of March 2024 (pending approval by the States Assembly on 19th March). 
By this time, please ensure that you have completed the relevant training.
An introductory e-learning module is available for all staff and volunteers, along with additional modules focused on Working Together, Information Sharing and Corporate Parenting. It is important that you complete the training relevant to your role.
The Jersey’s Children First training has also been updated and it is recommended that you complete the online learning programme appropriate for your role to understand how the Jersey’s Children First framework supports you to work with the statutory guidance. 
For more information including details of how to access the training, visit  
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A Fresh Approach to Making it REAL:
The Best Start Partnership are delighted to be able to offer A Special Approach to Making it REAL training to early year’s practitioners, delivered by Cathy Hamer.

Making it REAL is an evidence based (tried and tested) programme focussed on Raising Early Achievement in Literacy. It works for all young children by making literacy meaningful and giving parents confidence to engage in fun, low/no cost activities to support their children’s learning. By attending this training you will gain knowledge and understanding of the four strands of early literacy and an under-pinning framework that supports planning and evaluation. You will find out about how REAL works through home visits and literacy events and have the opportunity to take part in a project with funding for resources and staffing.
Please contact Kate Elston at the Jersey Child Care Trust (01534 629901) or to book and find out more….
29th February; March; March;
The Jersey Child Care Trust is delighted to offer Makaton training courses.These are aimed at those working with young children and their families.
If you would like us to deliver Makaton training in your setting or school, please get in touch with us to see what we may be able to offer.  
These courses are booking up fast, and there are limited options – but you can add your details to a waiting list. More info here; Jersey Child Care Trust on Eventbrite
Are you working as a Nanny?  Welcome to our new Nanny Corner!
We recently held a Pizza and Social Evening for Accredited and Non-Accredited Nannies. The evening was fun, informative and new ideas for development opportunities and initiatives were shared by all. 
Discount Card – Accredited Nannies
We are currently working on introducing a Discount Card for Accredited Nannies – watch this space for further updates!

FREE training opportunity; ‘Raising awareness of Autism for Nannies
Hosted by Jersey Child Care Trust, all nannies in Jersey are welcome to come along.  
Lesley Harrison of Autism Jersey will be presenting a session designed to provide information about what Autism is and the importance of early identification so children and families can obtain the services and support they need. All nannies welcome (accredited or not) but booking essential.
Book Here
FREEDA is excited to bring a unique opportunity to gain further insight into the importance of identifying signs of domestic abuse.
Join us for an engaging discussion with Rachel Williams, who brings unique insights as a survivor and campaigner against domestic abuse. Rachel was at the forefront of pushing the Domestic Abuse Bill through Parliament and was instrumental in getting non-fatal strangulation on the Statute Book. In 2019,Rachel hosted the first ever survivor-led domestic abuse conference: Stand Up to Domestic Abuse (#sutda), which brought together many survivors and professionals.
This event will take place on Friday 8th March at 11:00, book your tickets here: In Conversation with Rachel Williams- Island Ticket Hut
This event is open to people in the legal profession and police, as well as anyprofessionals working with individuals experiencing domestic abuse.
nasen is the National Association for Special Educational Needs – a charitable membership organisation that exists to support and champion those working with, and for, children and young people with SEND and learning differences.We do this by providing free resources and support for all members, leading targeted programmes and projects to deliver widespread improvements, offering a structured programme of professional development, accredited training and conferences as well as a package of SEND services throughout the UK and internationally. 
There are free resources here ; Resources listing | NasenAnd some free training and webinars here; Events listing | Nasen
Join our Q&A webinar and explore the intersection of diversity and quality in Early Childhood Education and Care(ECEC) through OECD’s latest research. Discover correlations between dimensions of diversity and ECEC quality, delve into what aspects of quality matter most for diverse backgrounds, and identify policy priorities for enhanced provision.

The discussion will be guided by findings from the latest OECD Education Working Papers and reports shedding light on the relationship between diversity and quality. Don’t miss this opportunity to contribute to the equity in education conversation!

Speakers include:
Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills, OECD
Michel Vandenbroeck, Ghent University, Belgium
Alejandra Cortázar,Centro de Estudios Primera Infancia – CEPI, Chile

Moderated by Mihaela Ionescu, International Step by Step Association, The Netherlands
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Play and access to safe green spaces – like parks and playgrounds – support a child’s healthy growth and development. Yet access to safe, stimulating, and joyful play space is not equally distributed. Structural forces, such as zoning regulations and underinvestment in communities, have led to inequitable access to quality play spaces in communities across the US.Join our panel of experts for a one-hour discussion on Tuesday, March 5,to learn more about the importance of having quality places to play. Panellists will share examples of community-led solutions to address gaps in play space equity, as well as discuss what still needs to be done to ensure our built environments support child development and lifelong health. We hope you can join us!
Book Here
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