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Highlight a Partner – Fiona Brennan – Brighter Futures

Fiona Brennan is CEO of Brighter Futures, a charity founded in 2008 to support families in Jersey.  Helping to improve family life alongside the main carer, the charity’s educational model provides families with the skills to thrive.

Fiona joined Brighter Futures in the same year that it was founded, as a keyworker, and was previously the Manager of the charity before becoming its CEO in 2021. Prior to working with Brighter Futures, Fiona supported children and young people with Special Educational Needs in both primary and secondary schools.

Fiona shares her vision with our charity, which is for every family to have a brighter future. Our mission is to support families when they need us.

Brighter Futures has been in operation for 15 years, with 2023 being our “Crystal Year”.

To date, Brighter Futures has supported more than 3,100 families, benefiting over 12,400 Islanders. We currently support more than 150 families per week, and it costs £5,000 to support one family for a year.

Brighter Futures supports its clients through a dedicated team, which facilitates a range of groups, courses and one-to-one discussions. All our programmes are offered free-of-charge, addressing three key areas of family life:

  • Parent and child relationships, helping our clients to recognise and value their role as their child’s first and most important educator.
  • Wellbeing and positive mental health, to support emotional resilience.
  • Personal development and second chance learning, to ensure progression in education, work, and life.

Our 15 years’ experience demonstrates that families are referred to Brighter Futures for numerous reasons, including social isolation, post-natal depression, wellbeing concerns, financial hardship, stress, anxiety, and domestic abuse.

The families we support come from all backgrounds, and from all walks of life.

We know that, with our support, parents and carers can ensure that their children grow up to be safe, healthy, happy and aspirational.

You can find out more about our work here:

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